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info@ingatlanseta.hu +36-30/372-5165, +36-30/376-85-06

Don't think only about the properties of your clients! By virtual tours, people can get to know your agency's office and services, too. We upload the tour to your website, attach it to Google street view and embedd it into your Facebook page, so people can find it easily.




 r141570csapatunk 7403.44-32.90141.58

 Otthon Centrum in Keszthely


 r1613448iroda 2-98.1417.03100.00

TOP 3 real estate offices in Budapest


Clients can find you, or you can find clients. Even if the latter one is more dominant, you can be sure of one thing. Clients will make sure if they signed contract with the right agency either way. There are web search enginges with which they can find out more about you or your agency. If you make a good impression there, you are halfway to succeed. Build upon a good image, and upload your Google adatasheet, so it will be easier to find you among the search results.  If you have a good and informative datasheet, it will have a good placement in the search result list, even by using only a few simple keywords. Do you want your office to have a good placement in Google's database? Dou you want your office to be visitied in the inside as well besides the street view? Then you will need Webséta (web tour). Webséta is nothing but the version of ingatlanséta which can be attached to Google's street view.

If you are proud of your office and you gladly, don't hesitate!  Make an appointment for a photo shooting, so you can use the tour of your office as soon as possible!